Kiss my assets

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Welcome to Kiss My Assets!

This blog is for anyone who has anything to say about looking good and feeling good at any size. After all, healthy doesn't have to mean a size 2-- and unhealthy doesn't have to mean a size 18-- people can be healthy at all different sizes depending on what they are feeding their bodies, what they are feeding their minds, what they are feeding their souls, and what they are feeding their hearts. I want to welcome you to have your voice heard about how you are attaining a positive body image at any size! Discussions such as these will help us help others. Please include any stories of frustration and success-- stories about when you were younger and stories of now-- and any things you would recommend for parents of girls at different sizes so that they can help their daughters thrive at any size.

Since I am doing research for a project I am working on, please make sure to include the following information in your posts:
(1) Your age
(2) Your size

Here are some questions to get your mind flowing:

(1) Have you ever been teased about your weight or size? What happened and how did it influence what you think about yourself? Be specific and detailed.

(2) Is there anyone who has been a very positive influence in your life who has always encouraged you to love yourself and your body no matter what? Tell us more about that person. How did they help you?

(3) What do you see as your best assets? Have you ever dieted or done anything extreme to lose weight?

(4) Do you think "clothes" help to make the women?

(5) How important is confidence?

(6) Do you have to be thin to be popular, to date, to have good friends?

(7) What kinds of messages do you think women and girls receive from the media?

Your honesty is appreciated. After all, that is how we can be the most helpful, don't you think?

Good Blogging!
Dr. Robyn